Monday, December 03, 2007

An Ode to a Taco Shell

Every so often you're walking along, just living your life, when WOAH! Holy crap! That's a revolutionary product!

What's so amazing about that box of taco shells? At first, I didn't notice it either. But look closer, those hard taco shells are shaped like a "U" instead of the standard "V!" Revolutionary! A hard taco shell that will stand up on it's own while you fill it with delicious taco things!

Clearly, when you're walking through the taco aisle you're not expecting an entire paradigm shift, but that's exactly what I encountered. So I bought those taco shells (I can't tell you anything about the relative pricing of the various taco shell shapes, but can you put a price on this sort of innovation?) and tonight was taco night.

Let me tell you, those shells work exactly as advertised (in that picture). They sit there calmly on your plate while you make your taco, then remain standing while you make a second taco, then remain standing while you walk to the living room, then remain standing while you eat them! Want to have a drink of apple cider midway through your taco? No problem, just set your taco down on the plate, it will remain standing.

These are the best hard taco shells I have ever have ever experienced. My taco enjoyment was at least 50% above average for a hard-shelled taco!

My only question is, why have I had to live my entire life (to this point) with on V-shaped taco shells? How could we, the human race, miss such an obvious invention for so long? I fully expect these tacos shells will add about a tenth of a percent to US productivity over the next few years. I mean, seriously, think of all the man-hours of taco-spillage clean-up that will be eliminated by U-shaped shells!

Thank you Old El Paso, your Stand 'N Stuff taco shells have rekindled my belief in gigantic food processing companies like General Mills.