Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Red Line - It Lives!

After months of no news out of the Red Line, aside from the fact that a "Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA)" decision would be made in the summer (after the public comment period ended in January), today there is finally some news!

Today Governor Martin O'Malley announced the LPA for the Red Line and it is 4C! If you have read any of my previous post on the Red Line, you know that this is the one that pretty much everyone wants. There is a vocal minority of people from Edmondson Village and Canton that are basically saying "Not In My Backyard", but it looks like O'Malley has picked 4C anyway since it's the most popular and likely to be funded by the federal government's New Starts program. This is key because if they'd waited much longer we would have missed this New Starts program and would have had to wait years for the next one.

Anyway, read the press release here. Go public transit!


PS - Don't get me wrong, I think it's very important to address the concerns of residents in Canton and Edmondson Village, but they really haven't been able to provide a reasonable alternative that would have a price tag that anyone could afford. So compromises have been made, but effective public transit is really too important to our environment and future to not do this project. Some day I'll post a better description of the issue here, but no time today!

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