Thursday, January 04, 2007

How to be Polite to Foreigners

Well, next time someone accuses Americans of just being greedy, opportunistic capitalists that are willing to sweep human rights abuses under the rug, perhaps point them towards this French ministry guide. Basically it advises that you not attempt to discuss Tiananmen Square, Taiwan, or Tibet with Chinese nationals. Believe it or not, it was not authored by the Ministry of Very Obvious Things.

1 comment:

Greg Eckenrode said...

To be fair, how would you feel if you were traveling to another country and all of the hospitality workers kept trying to chat you up about Abu Ghraib, Camp X-ray in Guantanamo, or the fact that roughly 50,000 Iraq civilians have died as a direct result of the invasion and a Hopkins group estimates that there were about 600,000 indirect casualties. Now imagine that you were from an authoritarian dictatorship that not only didn't ask your permission before committing human-rights violations, but would actively punish you for speaking out against those acts.