Monday, November 17, 2008

University of Baltimore Adds to I-83's Architectural Corridor

UB has announced the proposed designs for their new law school to be build at the corner of Charles St and Mount Royal Ave.  The Baltimore Sun has a bunch of pictures of the designs that were under consideration and they look pretty awesome.  (For actual facts you're going to have to go to the Baltimore Sun Article I'm only going to talk about how cool the building looks).

Driving south on I-83 in Baltimore is going to be quite the architectural tour once this is completed (in 2013... about the same time they finish bricking the sidewalks along Charles Street).  I'm still a huge fan of the new MICA building, but this could be pretty damn impressive.

Here's the design that won the international competition:

(This picture is blatantly "borrowed" from The Sun - if this is a problem I assume someone at The Sun will contact me and let me know.)

That build is so bright that the three people in the lower left foreground are fully illuminated despite standing in the shade!  You'd think that for $107 million and all the time they spent rendering the building they could have at least photo-shopped people into the picture a little better.

I have to say that it looks like MICA and UB are in a competition to see who can build the coolest modern building (the UB student center at the corner of Mount Royal and Maryland Ave. is pretty sweet too).  Either way, Baltimore wins.

Now that the competition is in full swing I expect JHU to purchase some land adjacent to I-83 and build a gigantic building for no good reason.  I'm sure they'll fill it with labs or something and make grad students ride another shuttle to it, whatever it takes, I just can't see them sitting idly by while MICA and UB grab all the attention.  Of course, I suppose there is the fact that JHMI is a city within the city...

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