Monday, November 10, 2008

Things You See While Running

So I've become something of a distance runner over the last year.  It's a pretty good sport, really clears your mind after a long day at work.  However, if you're going to run over the winter, you're going to have to do some running after dark.  If you're going to do some running after dark in Baltimore, you're going to have to run towards the harbor.

So it's winter, it's probably pretty chilly, so the harbor promenade is essentially deserted.  However, one of the unique experiences of running on the chilly, deserted harbor promenade is that every so often you run through a break-up.  Literally, you'll come up behind a couple walking together.  You're not really paying attention, but when you get close you can feel the tension in the air.  It's pretty clear that you're definitely interrupting.  You probably startle them as you pass, but it's over quickly enough - for you.

This has probably happened a half-dozen times or so for me.  I think it's a damn shame.  On a fall evening the harbor is really quiet, the air is crisp, it's really a nice place for a stroll.  But there's no one out there but me and the occasional couple breaking up.   I guess you see a lot of people walking their dogs too.  But my point is, it's a shame that people that get outside and enjoy the night a little more.  It's not nearly as dangerous as you think (at least down near the harbor).  Don't wait until you're breaking up with your significant other, get outside for a walk!

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